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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Poison Control & the ER...they know us well

When I was a new mom I freaked out about everything!
Now...pretty much nothing excites me except large amounts of blood that won't stop or serious head wounds...
I see new moms flip out over little things and have a secret chuckle to myself. Been there...Done that!, but after 3 boys my panic level is at the lethargic stage :)
 "What? your brother pushed you down a flight of stairs? Oh...well are you ok? bleeding? anything broke??? no?? then go back upstairs and stop fighting!"....something like that :)

What brought me to this?....children....who have eaten EVERYTHING...been stabbed, poked, shot- yes..I said shot (story to follow) broken name it!!! After a while you just get used to it *sigh*

I used to joke that I was on a first-name basis with the people at Poison Control. When Ty was little I called them often. It was usually the same answer..."Give him some milk and don't let him go to sleep, if anything changes take him to the ER otherwise we will give you a call back in about an hour to check on him"...and they always did.
Oh the stories the people who work the Poison Control hotline must have! Some may involve my boys ;)


My mother had gotten tons of flowers and house plants when her brother passed away and the house was filled with them. Ty was 8 months old and making good time in his walker when he wheeled over to some mums she had and his little hands stripped the leaves clean off the steams! We found him with tiny leaves all over the tray on the walker and some hanging out of his mouth!!! I freaked OUT!!!  Mom didn't know if they were poisonous so we called Poison Control...THEY ARE!...But, apparently only the petals were toxic and we were perty sure he had only chewed the leaves so....drink milk and wait.... He was fine.

It wasn't long until he was crawling and one day at my mother-in-laws the little stinker had reached his tiny arm behind her fridge and raked out a chunk of looked like his teething wafers to wasn' was a bar of RAT POISON!!....."Hello, Poison Control"....*sigh*
He was fine. Just had to drink milk and wait! According to them he would have had to eaten all of the bar and then some...lucky for us he had only took a bite! You could see his little two front teeth marks on it....ugh!! 

Ty was also the first to break a bone...he also holds the record for the second broken bone!
The first one he was about five at my sisters house play'n in the water hose. She had took one of the little slides and put it in the kiddie pool and ran the hose up it so it would run water down the slide. He slipped on a step and fell backwards and broke his elbow...

One night at church he jumped off a picnic table and broke his wrist....NICE

Mr Thomas:

The last time I called poison control was on Mr Thomas... he took a bite out of an Electro-sol tablet (the pressed powder tablets that go in your dishwasher)  He was truck'n along in his walker (yeah, I know...I just made a case as to why baby walkers are dangerous....well...they are also VERY helpful to moms so take that!) and the dishwasher was open so the door was at perfect level for his little arm to grab the tablet. I really didn't panick- per say...but then I wasn't sure what was in that tablet besides I called.
Give milk and wait.
That's when I decided if it wasn't really worthy of an almost ER trip it wasn't worthy of a call to Poison Control...after all... those people were probably starting a book....

Another time he was walking...probably around 1 1/2, and was outside with his big brother in the back yard. I was in the kitchen and could see them out the window and side door. All of a sudden Ty comes runn'n in the house yell'n Thomas is eating the DOG'S FOOD!!! I walked out the door to see what was go'n on.
Yep!..he was eating out of the dogs bowl but it wasn't "dog food" was 3 day-old pizza we had thrown out for the dog!!!
I perfectly remember the image of little Thomas in his matching light blue sweat suit standing next to the dogs bowl- the dog look'n on- just chow'n down on a pizza slice!

Anyone who knows Mr Thomas well, knows the boy would eat pizza morning, noon and night if he could. So, it's not a surprise to find out he ate the dog's!

Mr Riley:

Yes...his name should perk your ears...he is the one I wrote"Mr Riley's Bottle of Aged Irish Charms" about.
We were at my parents house one day when Mr Riley was still crawling- into everything of course!
We were watching t.v. and he was in the floor laying on his back  in front of my moms chair where she was reclining. I thought he was chewing on his hand...he was go'n to town on it! You could hear the cute little sucking noises babies make when they are chewing on their fingers....aaawwhhh, right???? Well....he pops his hand out of his mouth and starts shaking it- like you do if something is stuck on your fingers...???....then he flings it hard and something flies out of his hand and lands on my moms white sock! It was grey...and slimey!..."what is that?" my mother said.
Personally I was afraid to touch it! I picked it up with a paper towel and looked it over. It was what was left of a SLUG!! He literally sucked it DRY!!!! 

No point in calling Poison Control...after's probably a delicacy in some place!!!?!
We figured out slugs were squeezing through the sliding glass door on mom's deck.
Mr Riley had found this out first :)

Last summer he tripped going UP the stairs...yes...I know.
Anyway, he limped around for a few days..(made me think of my best friend in school who broke her foot tripping UP stairs:)...then one day I got a call from his teacher saying he jumped off of something at school and now could barely walk!  Took him to the Dr. here in town who X-ray'd it and said it was broke and recommended we take him to a specialist. Went to the Orthopedic Surgeon and he took one look at it and said "It's not broke...he has Kohler Disease"  WOW...Ok....what?????
The doctor explained it is a disorder in which one of the bones (in his left foot) has not grown, but is stunted and growing slowly do to low blood flow to that specific bone.
He showed us an X-ray of both feet...then I could see what he was talking foot looks normal but the other has a blob where one of bones should be on the top of his foot! JIMNEY CRICKET!!!
He said this would cause his left foot to be weaker and that he probably favors his right foot. He asked if he was clumsy and tripped a lot......UH.....YA!!!
Well, that explains it....  Mr Riley had to wear a "boot" to stabilize his foot till the muscles healed- since what had really happened was he strained the muscles around that bone....geeeeezzz :/
You can look that up too if ya want. Only 1 in 200,000 kids are born with it. Usually boys too, but the doc said by the time he reaches 20 his bone should have finished growing.
Until then he's not suppose to jump off of stuff....yeah, right!

It wasn't but maybe a few months after that he and his cousin was shooting the BB gun and they got bored....
Cousin says "what can we shoot?"
Mr Riley (the one with the high IQ right???) says " I dunno, shoot my foot"....


One pump.
Leather boot.
BB went all the way through the boot and his sock- AND his toenail before stopping!!
Here's my proof....

The ER doctors WOULD NOT take it out!!! I was furious! HE was in horrible pain.  Instead they made him an appointment with an Orthopedic Surgeon. The surgeon said he had to be on antibiotics before he would take it out!! YES, THIS MOMMA WAS LIVID!!!
Poor Mr Riley waited 7 days before they removed the bb! Which by the way took more time to knock him out than to cut out the bb!
I would show you what his toe looked like before they removed the bb but, you might get sick....I seriously thought he may loose his TOE! It was almost black, and was cracking open with puss draining. YUCK! It looked awful. He ended up with another "boot" to help him walk. This was his good foot remember...*sigh*

A few months after that whole ordeal...

We were back in the ER...    
This time it was a bike wreck.

You really don't have to read X-rays to be able to find the "what's wrong with this picture" :/

Currently we are looking for a bubble for Mr Riley....


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