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The object of their affection |
Ty was the only one this year to get a deer.
Great birthday present too since he turned 18 a couple days before...yes...this makes me sad :( :( :( -not that he got a deer- sad that he is 18!!! already!...man!, when they say time flies they ain't a lie'n!!
He got a nice little doe the first weekend- which by the way we had some of that one for supper last night... recipe to follow...:) YUM! YUM!!!
This girl does like to hunt :)
Of course I'm not as savvy a hunter as I probably should be, being raised the way I was.
I really didn't get excited about it until I was in my early teens when my dad took me turkey hunting...Love me some TURKEY! yummy, yum, yum!
And I'm TOTALLY P.E.T.A....People Eating Tasty Animals that is!!! LOL :)
However, since I haven't taken my "hunter safety course" I can't "hunt", but I LOVE going along for the ride-(and by ride I don't mean road hunt'n).
I pretty much dropped outta goin after I got married and had kids...too much to do I guess. Now I have Fibromyalgia (Google it- I dare ye and read ALL of it!) so it really takes it outta me to sit in uncomfortable places for ANY amount of time. Let alone try'n to be still, not make noise and then there's the walk out of the woods...ugh :( So, I don't go with anyone very often but when I do I take pics and have fun despite the pain :)
I guess what this post is really about is my PEEVE with all the city people that descend upon us this time of year, dressed to the nines with the most expensive gear and camo... *eyes rolling*
Sometimes they don't have the appropriate vehicle in the event they ACTUALLY kill a deer....as seen below
No, unfortunately, I didn't take these pics...but that is just because I have not had a handy camera readily available because BELIEVE ME........I have seen it ALL!!!
The most common site you'll see is the deer strapped over the trunk of the car! NOT...EVEN...KIDDING!!!!
The scary thing is you are in the woods with these people!!!
A guy I work with was telling me yesterday that over the weekend he was in the woods and heard gun shots...Bam!...Bam!..BAM ! BAM! BAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAM!!
"You know they were shoot'n at it as it was run'n" he said.
Which means....they CANNOT be looking to make sure there is nothing PAST what they are shooting at!!
It also means- DUCK AND COVER!
Stray bullets are a serious thing people!
Of course lets not leave out the redneck hunters who also have no concern for life and limb at times.
It's just THE KILL that matters.
Now check out this pic I found...
Funny as all get-out...YES!...but...for the redneck hunter... he's not reaching for the camera when he sees this he's make'n sure he can re-load fast enough to get BOTH bucks!!!!
I LOVE Jeff Foxworthy! His act reminds me of the people around here...sometimes family...sometimes neighbors...just the stuff I grew up hearing, seeing, and totally talking like.
His "definitions" of redneck words are spot on the way we talk around here. We didn't even know we talked funny till he got so popular, and what made it funny to us was how true it was!
Here's a link to Jeff Foxworthy's video on Redneck hunting...check it out...http://comedians.jokes.com/jeff-foxworthy/videos/jeff-foxworthy---hunting/
Did ya laugh your socks off? I hope so!
Here's the deer meat recipe I promised.
Oh, and I'm NOT Martha Stewart....this is country cook'n at it's finest :)
Deer Meat Golden Mushroom Style
1 to 1 1/2 lbs of deer meat (tenderloin or roast meat is preferred) sliced thin
1 can of Campbell's Golden Mushroom Soup
Olive oil
Salt and pepper the flour, place in a plate or cake pan. Dip the slices of meat in the flour and coat both sides.
Heat skillet and cover the bottom with olive oil. Test heat by sprinkling a bit of flour in. When flour begins to sizzle start lining the skillet with deer slices. Brown meat on both sides and remove onto a paper towel lined plate to drain. Repeat until all slices have been browned- add oil back to pan as needed. (you can scrape any stuck flour off of pan but don't throw it away- put it back in when you pour the gravy in :)
Mix can of golden mushroom soup in a bowl with water until you have a liquid slightly thinner than the consistency of gravy. Salt and pepper mixture. Place all meat back into skillet and pour mushroom gravy mixture over. (it should be thin enough to seep under the meat and coat the bottom of pan) if it is too thick just stir in more water.
Simmer on low for 30 minutes checking to make sure it's not sticking to the bottom. You may need to stir the bottom a little depending on the type of skillet you are using.
When meat is tender enough to cut with a fork and gravy is desired thickness you are done!
Serve with mashed potatoes and a vegetable of your choice!
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