LOL, maybe not. BUT, it will make you thank yer lucky stars that yer littl'ns are NOT like mine were!
IF you can completely identify with this blog....well then, I feel your pain :/
Oh, how sweet those chubby little toddlers are- when they are NOT terrorizing your world. However, now that my boys are older I can look back on those days and laugh. And tell stories like this...
I always tried to eliminate all hazards because you couldn't leave ANY of our boys- when they were that age, alone for two seconds without DISASTER STRIKING!
I generally spent evenings and weekends following them around cleaning up something, repairing something broken, or throwing something out because it was shot! While performing one of those tasks is when the little devil would no doubt get into something else!
Our second son was about 2yrs old and had definitely been into everything imaginable, and I'm sure I was coming back from cleaning up something or diverting disaster when I walked into the bathroom just in time to.... well, lets start with what he was doing to give you the whole picture...
Mr Thomas ( Thomas is his middle name- there's a theme if you've been reading my blog) had gotten into the bathroom- left open obviously because I was potty-training him- and had found the toilet brush.
Now, of course he had watched Mommy clean the toilet at some point so we'll give him points for simulating house-hold cleaning.
He had definitely swirled the brush repeatedly in the bowl. I know this due to the amount of water NOT in the toilet, but ON THE WALL!!! Oh yes... Mr Thomas had been dipping the brush in, then raising it up above his head and flinging it around the room! Water was running down the walls and pooling on the floor! BLAAAAH....
You may run away screaming get's worse.
So, imagine all that I have just told ya.... Now, I walk into the bathroom just in time for his finish swing of the brush above his head and he brings it down and gives it a good LICK!! Just like a giant lollipop...a giant lollipop of DISEASE!! Awwwwwh SICK!
Let me tell ya people....I fought the overwhelming desire to make him swish with bleach!
That's not my only diseased toilet water story- wish it were...
Mr Riley was about the same age... Remember, he's the baby- our last child :) Ya know, the one that by the time he arrives you've perty much seen it all!
Mr Riley's bath time included lots of toys and a cup that I used to rinse his hair after I warshed it.( yes, here in Booger County "warshed" is a real word- it means having been washed :)
He liked the cup the best, of course, cause it's the cheapest! I was always getting on to him for using it to drink the bathwater! "No no, yucky!" I'd say, but he'd just laugh.
One day I hear a pouring sound coming from the bathroom and do a quick count...yep, missing one, guess who!?
I go running into the bathroom and see Mr Riley with his cup, and he's drinking out of it as he stands in front of the toilet! Yes, I checked...he had dipped it into the toilet bowl and "Gllllub Glub" was going to town on it!
Uuugghhh..... Well, after everything else the boy had ate I don't think I was really that surprised. Sickened, but not surprised.
I told the story to the Pediatrician and his reply was- "It was the toilet in your house right?"
Dr..."well then it was familiar germs so I wouldn't worry about it" "if it had been at a hotel or store you might have something to worry about"......
and you think I'm lax.....